How Do the Nutritional Needs of Puppies Differ from Adult Dogs?

    Puppies have particularly demanding nutritional requirements. Because the most rapid growth occurs during the first months of a dog's life, puppies nutritional needs differ significantly from those of adult dogs. Some of those differences include:

    Different Energy Needs
    Research reveals that the energy needs of growing puppies are up to four times that of adult dogs per kg/body weight in the first growth phase. Due to the extreme rate of developmental change in this period, puppies require an energy-rich, nutrient-dense, complete and balanced diet.

    Different Protein Needs
    The protein requirement of growing puppies is also higher than for adult dogs. High-quality protein is critical for puppies to create new body tissue as they grow.

    Do All Puppies Have the Same Nutritional Needs?
    No. The dietary needs of puppies vary with their growth rate. The goal in feeding puppies of different reeds is to achieve and maintain an average, not excessive, growth.
    Smaller-breed puppies - have a higher metabolic rate per kilogram and reach maturity quickly
    Medium-breed puppies - grow at a moderate rate
    Large- and giant-breed puppies - are more vulnerable to developmental bone problems that appear to be related to excessive growth rates. Large-breed puppies require a diet with precisely balanced amounts of fat, calcium, and phosphorus to achieve a moderate, healthy growth rate.

    How Do Puppies Get the Special Nutrition They Need
    The challenge in providing a puppy with an adequate diet is a matter of balance. A growing puppy needs the proper amount of energy and nutrients to meet the demands of growth. Too little energy and nutrients will not provide the fuel and nutritional building blocks needed for growth. Conversely, over-nutrition may lead to lingering health problems later in life.
    Because puppies of different breed sizes grow at different rates, their needs for nutrients such as protein, energy, calcium and phosphorus will also differ.
    Feeding diets specially formulated for different breed sizes is a way of ensuring the best match between the amount of nutrients needed for optimal growth and the amount of nutrients provided in the diet.

    Smaller- breed puppies (up to 10 kilograms at maturity) need higher levels of protein, fat, calcium and phosphorus to support growth and development of bones, muscles, and other tissues.
    Larger-breed puppies (25kilograms or greater at maturity) need lower levels of these nutrients to control their growth rate and to achieve healthy weights and skeletal structures.
    Medium-breed puppies fall between the other two groups in nutrient requirements.

    Should Puppies Be Fed According to a Schedule?
    From weaning to four months of age, a puppy should be fed based on feeding guidelines on the puppy food label, but divided into two or three meals a day
    After four months of age, puppies should be fed twice a day.

    Nutritional Application
    Puppies can achieve optimal growth and development when fed one of our puppy products. These premium diets are appropriately formulated for the special nutritional needs of the small, medium large and giant-breed puppy.

    Contact: SHOWDOGS