puppy of the year competition rules

How does it work?

~ The competition runs from 1 January to 31 December of each year
~ There are no entry fees and entrants do not need to complete any forms
~ Points are accumulated at KUSA Championship All-Breeds Shows (excluding FCI shows) in South Africa and Namibia
~ Eligibility includes puppies between the ages of 6 months and 1 year entered in the Minor Puppy and Puppy classes

Points System

The maximum number of points a puppy can earn at one show is 28, defined as follows:

Puppy Group 1st - 4 points
Puppy Group
2nd - 3 points
Puppy Group
3rd - 2 points
Puppy Group
4th - 1 point

Best Puppy in Show - additional 24 = 28
Reserve Best Puppy in Show - additional 20 = 24

How are the points calculated?

1. The points are gathered from the results pages of SHOWDOGS and transferred to a spreadsheet. Only those results that have been submitted to or collected by, and published on SHOWDOGS will be considered.
2. Totals are tallied and the list of qualifiers is arranged in descending order according to the point totals
3. Position numbers are allocated to the dogs that have earned the top scores. If a few dogs - regardless of breed - earned the same number of points, they qualify equally for recognition. So, for example, the actual list of Top Fifty Puppies may contain a few more or a few less than 50 if several dogs possess the same number of points. NB: Multiple breed representation (eg. three Dobermanns) does not necessarily imply equal points

~ The Puppy of the Year and Runners-Up may or may not be the same breed
~ The Top 10 list may or may not comprise multiple representatives of a breed

Rules and Guidelines

~ Points will be recorded from the Results pages on the Showdogs website, which are obtained from marked catalogues and results templates submitted by show-holding clubs and SoloShow
~ In line with KUSA regulations, Show-holding Clubs are requested to encourage Judges to award four Puppy Group placings if numbers permit
~ Show-holding clubs are requested to ensure that all four Puppy Group placings (where applicable) are marked in the catalogue, eligible entrants present permitting
~ While every attempt will be made to record the correct names and points awarded, the onus is on the owner to report errors in show results, with proof if necessary
~ If two or more puppies share an equal points total, all puppies with the same total will share the same position
~ The Showdogs Puppy Points System will be managed and recorded on the Showdogs website team
~ The full list, indicating Group winners in bold lettering, plus the points earned, will be published after the announcement of the Winners.


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